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Topic Progress:

Target Audience

  • Medical Interns, Residents, and critical care (ICU/ED/Anaesthetic) trainees.
  • Nurses working in critical care wards (e.g. ICU and ED)
  • Medical students rotating through critical care terms

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module you should be able to:

  1. Understand the physiology of cerebral blood flow, CSF and normal intracranial pressure.
  2. Understand the importance of maintaining an adequate cerebral perfusion pressure and early treatment of raised intracranial pressure.
  3. Be able to describe the options available for monitoring ICP.
  4. Be able to troubleshoot an EVD for potential sources of error.
  5. Describe the clinical features of raised ICP.

Image of SCI pt ventilated in ICU, then in wheelchair doing something active, looking happy

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