Tania Farrar is a neurologist and epileptologist with expertise in continuous EEG (cEEG) and status epilepticus (SE). This talk covers what a seizure is, what status is, including focal and generalised status epilepticus.

This podcast was recorded at the Brain Symposium which took place in March 2023. Scroll down to read the summary and access the presentation slides.


So why do we do cEEGs for patients with suspected SE? 

  • To confirm the diagnosis
  • To see if patient just post ictal or still seizing
  • To establish that the clinical and electric seizures have stopped
  • To see if burst suppression is achieved
  • To exclude other differential diagnoses

She makes a good argument for why cEEG is such an important tool in managing SE.

In the questions after the talk, the issue of availability of cEEG in the Australian setting was discussed. Limited montage EEGs are discussed including their pros and cons.


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